Scope of Advisement & Expectations

What we can provide assistance with:

Matters we do not assist directly with but links are provided below:


Student/Advisor Responsibilities:

Student Responsibilities:

• We encourage students to meet with their advisor(s) any time there is a significant change or any academic concerns. We are here to guide you when you are unsure of your next step.
• For Pre-Health and Undecided students, one meeting per semester is required.
• For LAIS students, we suggest meeting with your advisor(s) at least once a semester to learn more about your options at UNM and build a relationship with your advisor, but you determine the topics discussed in your advisement sessions.
• For students on Probation/Suspension, we require a meeting with your advisor(s) at the start of this process and recommend continued meetings as needed throughout the probation period.
• While we will use our training and experience to help you as much as possible, you are ultimately responsible for understanding academic and financial responsibility.
• We advise, you decide; if anything is unclear or you have questions, please ask.
• Utilize LoboAchieve for scheduling and refer to advising notes “History” frequently.
      o As you schedule an appointment, please read the instructions of how and where your meeting will be conducted.
• Be in an appropriate location for all virtual appointments (see Virtual Appointment Expectations below).
• Prepare for appointments by gathering all relevant decision-making information.
      o Navigate Your Major
      o Health Science degree programs
      o See above for links such as financial aid, scholarship, and bursar’s offices
• Treat advisement sessions as you would an academic class. Be prepared to ask questions, be assigned follow-up tasks, and to take notes.
• Eliminate distractions: silence your phone, leave it in your backpack, and remove your headphones.
• Ask questions when you do not understand or to address specific concerns.
• Do research. We will guide you; we will not decide for you.
     o Navigate Your Major
     o Undecided/Exploratory
     o University College Pre-Health parallel degree option
• Weekdays: a minimum of once per day while UNM is in session.
• During Breaks: once per day if on a waitlist for a course, twice a week otherwise.
• Respond to all functional emails within 2 business days.
     o Functional emails include emails that request information from you.
     o Non-functional emails include general informational emails, reminders, and forwarded opportunities.
     o We recognize that replies may take longer during Midterms or Finals Week.

 Advisor Responsibilities:

• Advisors provide detailed information about the degrees they are responsible for and general information about other degrees and programs.  See Scope of Advisement above for more details.
• Advisors will have their LoboAchieve schedule of availability posted a minimum of two weeks in advance.
• Advisors will be available for virtual or in-person appointments.
• Within two working days.
• May take longer during registration week, new student orientation sessions, and the first week of the semester.
• Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
• UNM advisors are considered “responsible employees”. This designation requires that any report of gender discrimination which includes sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual violence made to an advisor must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at the Office of Equal Opportunity.

Virtual Appointment Expectations:

• Be in a location with reliable Wi-Fi.
• Be in a non-distracting environment.
     o Do not be driving.
     o Do not schedule appointments conflicting with class.
     o Do not schedule appointments conflicting with work.
• Check that your audio and microphone are working.
• Ensure that Zoom is updated. Please do not wait until the last minute to check if your Zoom client is updated and/or if you can log in. This can make you late.



Please note, students arriving more than 10 minutes late may be subject to receiving a "Missed Appointment" notification and are encouraged to reschedule, if needed.